Policy & Resources Committee

Agenda Item   123


Subject:                    Education Capital Resources and Capital Investment Programme 2022/2023 - Extract from the proceedings of the Children Young People & Skills Committee meeting held on the 7 March 2022


Date of meeting:    24 March 2022


Report of:                 Executive Director for Families Children & Learning


Contact Officer:      Name: Lisa Johnson


                                    Email: lisa.johnson@brighton-hove.gov.uk


Ward(s) affected:   All


For general release



Action Required of Policy & Resources Committee:


That Policy & Resources Committee grant delegated authority to the Assistant Director of Property & Design to procure the capital maintenance and basic need works and enter into contracts within these budgets, as required, in accordance with Contract Standing Orders in respect of the entire Education Capital Programme.





Brighton & Hove City Council


Children, Young People & Skills Committee


4.00pm 7th march 2022


Council Chamber, Hove Town Hall








Councillors: Clare (Chair), O'Quinn (Opposition Spokesperson), Brown (Group Spokesperson), Grimshaw, Hamilton, Heley, Lloyd, McNair, Meadows, and Phillips.


Co-optees: Ms L Brown, Ms D Boyd, Mr T Cristin, Mr A Muirhead and Mr S Parr






74       Education Capital Resources and Capital Investment Programme 2022/2023


74.1    The Committee considered the report of the Executive Director Families Children and Learning, which informed the Committee of the level of available capital resources allocated to support education buildings and recommended a capital programme for 2022/23 in respect of School Condition Allocation (SCA) and Basic Need funding.  The report was introduced by the Head of School Organisation who outlined the contents therein.


74.2    Councillor Meadows asked when the toilet refurbishments at Carden Primary School and Patchum Infants School would be completed.  The Head of Capital Strategy informed Members these works had come in over budget due to the addition of Covid surcharges and were therefore re-tendered.  She could not guarantee the works would be finished by the end of the financial year but stated they would be done as quickly as possible. 


74.3    In response to a question from Councillor O’Quinn regarding the Sackville Trading Estate scheme, the Head of Capital Strategy informed Members that £400,000 had been allocated for education.  The first instalment of £48,000 would be submitted once a certain number of dwellings had been completed.  This was why the money was not showing in the table within the report.  


74.4    Councillor O’Quinn asked how the money previously intended for Homewood would be allocated following the decision to academise this school. The Head of School Organisation said the money had been allocated for Central Hub provision and the situation regarding Homewood would be reviewed. 


74.5    Councillor Hamilton enquired about the Section 106 spending detailed on page 89 of the agenda.  The Head of Capital Strategy explained that when money was requested under Section 106, it was essential to name the school which had to be located close to the development.  Councillor Hamilton said that going forwards it would be good for councillors to be informed of which schools had received Section 106 money. 


74.6    Councillor Lloyd asked why £150,000 had been allocated to deal with legionnaire’s disease.   The Head of Capital Strategy said they were required under the Health & Safety Executive’s Approved Code of Practice to monitor water at all schools.  Readings were occasionally high due to old pipework.  £150,000 was allocated to carry out works to plumbing systems to reduce the occurrence of legionella bacteria. 


74.7    At the request of the Chair, the Head of Capital Strategy updated Members on the works at St Luke’s Primary School.  The Head of Capital Strategy confirmed the works had been completed and the wall had been stabilised and made safe. 


74.8    In response to a question from Councillor Grimshaw, the Head of Capital Strategy confirmed that delegated authority was being granted for a period of twelve months.  They were still waiting for Central Government to confirm how much funding would be allocated in the new financial year.


74.9      RESOLVED


1.    That the level of available capital resources totalling £5million for investment relating to education buildings financed from capital grant be noted.


2.    That Committee agree the allocation of funding as shown in Appendices 1 and 2 and recommend this to Policy & Resources Committee on 24 March 2022 for inclusion within the Council’s Capital Investment Programme 2022/23.


3.    That Committee agree to recommend to Policy & Resources Committee that they grant delegated authority to the Assistant Director of Property & Design to procure the capital maintenance and basic need works and enter into contracts within these budgets, as required, in accordance with Contract Standing Orders in respect of the entire Education Capital Programme.